After contacting the lrlen Dyslexia Centre you will be sent a child or adult detailed survey form by mail or email. When the form has been completed and it has been established that most answers are in the often or sometimes column (Some people will have positive responses in some sections and not in others) you should make an appointment as lrlen spectral filtered lenses are likely to be of benefit. Benefits will range from improved comfort, eyestrain and headaches to improved clarity, confidence and reading capabilities and in some – a life changing experience.

The main symptoms to look for are:

  • Rapid fatigue when reading, slowing down after a few lines.
  • Frequent loss of place, skipping words and lines and re-reading the same line.
  • Sore eyes, rubbing eyes, watery, burning, itchy eyes from reading.
  • Blurring of the print even when wearing optometric lenses.
  • Print looking squashed, too small or running together.
  • Seeing white streaks through the print or white glowing lines/blotches over the print.
  • Movement of the print on white paper; either shaking, shimmering or swirling, and in some cases actually turning upside down.
  • Narrow visual span, reading one or two words at a time.
  • Poor writing skills.
  •  Confusion of little words such as was/saw, on/no, dog/boy, for/from, etc.
  • Headaches from reading or using computer screens, or outside glare.
  • Poor depth perception, causing clumsiness and poor ball skills.
  • Effort to concentrate requiring frequent breaks.
  • Environmental distortions
  • Nausea & fatigue


An appointment at the lrlen Dyslexia Centre has two stages. These are performed consecutively in the one booking unless the child is very young, fatigues quickly or consistent answers are not forthcoming. Each individual presents with unique experiences and difficulties. Therefore the first stage of assessment, usually lasting about one hour, focuses on standardized reading and spelling tests, diagnosis and symptoms.

The second stage, also lasting approximately one hour (longer on rare occasions) is devoted to developmental stages, educational strategies, lrlen lens testing and it includes a detailed report. The tinting must be very precise and may involve the blending of several coloured lenses.

Robyn Ford
BA. Grad Dip Ed, (Prim/Sec). SPELD LD Cert. MAAIC.
Regional Director,